Presidential Volunteer Service Award
Certified by The Bear Creek High School Friends of Music
BCFM PVSA - Open to all BCHS Music Program Students
This is the first year of the BCFM Presidential Volunteer Service Award Program and will evolve. If issues arise, the default decision will be in accordance with PVSA policy and procedures. Finally, as with all initiatives, your patience and support is appreciated as it evolves.
Awards include Certificates, Medallions, Coins, and Pins. (Methods of Award is still TBD.)
Tracking Hours
Volunteers are required to maintain their individual hours. This is to verify participation and to retain copies toward Lifetime Awards.
Volunteers are required to attach an email verification of hours to BCFM PVSA Tracking Sheet:
To: (Point of Contact at Volunteer Location)
Subject: (Student Name) - Certification of Volunteer Hours
Thank you for allowing me to assist with (activity conducted) . This email is to certify I volunteered (#) hours with your organization on (date). PLEASE reply "Confirmed" from your organizational email, with a signature block, or with contact information.
Thank you,
(Student Name)
Eligible Service:
Unpaid acts of volunteer service benefitting others
Service through National service programs that provide a stipend (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) may count towards the Lifetime Achievement Award, but not for the annual Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards)
Travel stipends, transit/parking passes, membership passes, expense reimbursements, and other nominal volunteer support do not impact service eligibility
Eligible Service does not include:
Donating funds
Political lobbying (Non-partisan voter registration is an eligible activity)
Religious instruction
Conducting worship service
Volunteer service performed as part of court-ordered community service
Serving only family members
Award Levels – Service Benchmarks
Age Group Bronze Silver Gold Lifetime
Kids (5-10) 26-49 50-74 75+ 4,000
Teens (11-15) 50-74 75-99 100+ 4,000
Young Adults (16-25) 100-174 175-249 250+ 4,000
Adults (26+) 100-249 250-499 500+ 4,000
Families & Groups 200-499 500-999 1,000+ N/A
Family/Group Awards
Award given in the name of the group, e.g., “Silver Spring High School Marching Band” or “The Burgess-Peterson Family”
Each member must contribute a minimum of 25 hours for their hours to count towards the group total
Each member must meet individual eligibility requirements, i.e., must be at least 5 years old and a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident
An individual’s hours may count towards both the individual award and group award, e.g., a teen completing 50 hours may receive a bronze award in addition to the silver group award as a member of a class that volunteered 500 hours collectively over 12 months
****NOTE: BCHS Students participating in this program will be eligible for a Program Participant Certificate if they complete 15 hours or more of Volunteer Service and submit their BCFM Tracking Form by cut-off dates.****

For more info, recommendations, or offers of support, please email us at: